Australia-PNG Business Exchange to be hosted 23-27 Sep

Sep 13, 2024 | 2024, Blog, News

From September 23 to 27, 2024, the Australia-Papua New Guinea Business Exchange 2024 (APNGBX24) will take place in Papua New Guinea, bringing together industry leaders, government officials, and business representatives. This significant event will focus on expanding business opportunities in renewable energy, infrastructure, and construction. Hosted by Austrade, in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), APNGBX24 is set to enhance economic ties between Australia and Papua New Guinea by offering Australian businesses direct access to key players and decision-makers in PNG’s growing economy.

Running from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM GMT each day, APNGBX24 provides Australian companies with unparalleled opportunities to engage with the latest market insights and potential business partners across Papua New Guinea. The event highlights key collaborations with ANZ, Westpac, and the Chambers of Commerce in Lae and Port Moresby, strengthening the platform for economic growth and sustainable development.

Delegates attending APNGBX24 will have the chance to participate in roundtable discussions, networking events, and business-to-business meetings, focusing on PNG’s evolving infrastructure and clean energy sectors. PNG’s ambitious infrastructure programs, including the Highlands Highway Investment Program and the government’s Connect PNG roadbuilding initiative, present significant opportunities for Australian companies in construction, logistics, and technology. This forum allows Australian firms to explore projects that will be key drivers of economic growth.

The event’s emphasis on renewable energy projects is timely as Papua New Guinea works toward expanding electricity access to 70 per cent of the population by 2030. Australian companies specializing in solar, hydro, and other renewable energy solutions will find significant potential in partnering with local stakeholders on these long-term, sustainable projects.

APNGBX24 is more than just an exchange of market insights—it is a platform that fosters deeper business connections between Australia and Papua New Guinea. This event represents a continued commitment by both nations to bolster economic cooperation and build stronger, mutually beneficial business relationships.

The Australia-Papua New Guinea Business Exchange (APNGBX) will be hosting a Business Breakfast on Thursday, 26th September 2024, from 7:00 am to 9:00 am at the Holiday Inn Hotel. Key speakers include Justin Smirk, Senior Economist at Westpac Bank, and Diane Barclay, Minister-Counsellor at the Australian High Commission. Justin will provide an expert analysis of the economic landscape, focusing on international markets, commodities, and Papua New Guinea’s economic outlook. Diane will discuss Australian Government infrastructure investments and partnership opportunities in sectors such as electrification, telecommunications, and transport. The event is open to POMCCI members for K100 and non-members for K120. RSVP to Idau Arua at 7200 0000 or

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