Greetings to all members of the Australia Papua New Guinea Business Council.

Frank Yourn, Executive Director.
Your secretariat has just emerged from an intensive six months of work with four major bilateral business events across all three Business Councils. In April we held the 12th Australia Solomon Islands Business Forum in Brisbane, in May there was the 38th Australia Papua New Guinea Business Forum in Port Moresby, in August the 27thAustralia Fiji Business Forum in Sydney, and in September the Pacific Infrastructure Conference in Brisbane.
These events each attracted record numbers of participants, with the number of attendees at the Pacific Infrastructure Conference exceeding 500. A special edition of the Newsletter for this conference will be issued in coming weeks. Some members have already sent feedback on this conference. If you have something to say about how this conference worked for you and how it could be better done in the future then please e-mail me.
During September, members in Brisbane and Sydney were provided with an opportunity to meet in a round table with the Australian High Commissioner designate to Papua New Guinea, Mr John Feakes. We are hoping to have a welcome event for him in a few weeks’ time in Port Moresby after he arrives in Papua New Guinea.
Please note in your diaries that the 39th Australia Papua New Guinea Business Forum will be held from 13 to 15 May 2024 on the Gold Coast, Queensland. More information will be provided as the program develops.
Warm regards,