A$14.7m trade development grant for Pacific Islands Forum

Jul 13, 2024 | 2024, Blog, News

The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) has announced a significant development in its trade advancement efforts, securing a transformative A$14.7 million (US$9.67 million) grant agreement with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). This funding, spanning from 2024 to 2027, aims to bolster trade development across the Pacific region.

The Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) is a critical regional intergovernmental organisation that fosters cooperation and integration among Pacific countries. With its headquarters in Suva, Fiji, and an office in Geneva, the PIF plays a vital role in advocating for the interests of its member states in various international forums, including the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the United Nations (UN).

The agreement was formalised in a ceremony in Geneva, attended by Ambassador James Baxter of the Australian Permanent Mission to the WTO and Ambassador Mere Falemaka of the PIF Permanent Delegation to the WTO and UN. This grant agreement consists of two main components aimed at reinforcing PIF’s trade and development initiatives.

The grant ensures the continued operation and core functions of the PIF Geneva Office. This includes support for WTO negotiations and multilateral trade engagement, enhancing export promotion through Pacific Trade Invest Europe, and providing new resources for engaging with UN non-trade functions that are of priority to the Pacific region.

The funding consolidates DFAT’s support for Pacific Aid for Trade initiatives into a coherent mechanism. New funding will support the Pacific E-commerce Initiative and the Pacific Multilateral Trade Negotiations Programme, aiming to strengthen the region’s trade capabilities and digital trade infrastructure.

Ambassador Baxter emphasised the critical role of the PIF Geneva Office for member states.

Responding on behalf of the Forum Secretary-General Baron Waqa, Ambassador Falemaka expressed gratitude for Australia’s support, noting, “This arrangement marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter in our cooperation. Through this grant, the Forum’s role as the prime regional provider of trade development services to our members will be further consolidated, and our partnership strengthened.”

This funding initiative is expected to significantly enhance the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat’s ability to support its member countries in navigating the complexities of international trade and leveraging new opportunities for economic development.

Also last month, Forum Secretary General Baron Waqa chaired the 7th Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) Independent Advisory Board meeting in Sydney, Australia to consider business growth in the Blue Pacific and build opportunities for export-ready and investment-ready businesses.